Tell me...

Do you have a lot of sentimental items?

We have a strong emotional connection to sentimental items from our past. It is difficult to know what to hold onto, and what we can let go of without feeling guilt or remorse.

This sentimental item worksheet was designed to help you capture the essence of each item and determine how to move forward, using a sensory approach described in my blog post "A Sensory Approach to Decluttering Sentimental Items." I hope that it is helpful to you!

Use this worksheet to write the story of your items, understand the interplay between them and your five senses, and determine what will you might lose or gain from decluttering the item so you can confidently decide what to do.

Hi! I'm Emily. 6 years ago I discovered minimalism. Living with less has helped me to discover my "why" and remove what no longer serves me in my home, my calendar, and my head.

I hope this resource is helpful to you and look forward to hearing more about your journey! You can always contact me at [email protected].

Sentimental items are important to us.

But it also important to know why you are keeping them, because an excess of anything is still clutter. Download the worksheet and receive my newest blog posts and subscriber-only content!

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